Practice Snaps
Oh, I will ramble a bit. Take it in pieces or go get a sandwich. DBT Made Simple Worksheet (1) The Perfect Patient Mix Everyone knows who the worst patients are. But one man’s silver is another man’s gold. Meaning my nemesis isn't yours, my ideal patient, not your ideal patient. By best and worst we mean type of personality, type of disorder, type of patient who jolts us out of our hum drum, our oh bla di , those who grab our attention whether we like it or not. What makes for the best or the worst? Too many things. But if my father had borderline personality disorder, then it might mean that I’m pretty comfortable with people who have it. Or, it might mean that someone with that disorder makes me extremely uncomfortable . Therapists all have interface of some sort or another. We have our triggers. Before we're let loose on the therapy-seeking public (a clinical population, as opposed to our friends and fellow students, unless they, too, are in therapy), those of us tr...