How To Make a Terrorist

Tamerlan and Dzkohar Tsarnaev, the Boston Bombers It seems that when someone plans or executes a multiple murder, I have mentioned schizophrenia . Some say I see it in my sleep, but there is reason to the madness. James J. Lee Discovery Channel James J. Lee didn't like the Discovery Channel's programming. He thought Planet Green should encourage mandatory sterilization of the human race. His website is replete with paranoid ideation. He didn't kill anyone, but was prepared, carried weapons. James J. Lee went down when police raided the building where he held his hostages. James Egan Holmes, the Joker who pumped 33 bullets into twelve people in a Colorado movie theater, had been treated for mental illness. Unable to communicate verbally, he drew the doctors pictures of what went on in his head. He didn't just go postal. James Egan Holmes-Batman Joker Cho Seung-Hoi, a student at Virginia Tech, murdered 32 and wounded 17 others before killing himself. With a diagnosis ...