Mothers Who Can't Love
Only weeks ago, maybe between my mom's lapse into coma and her last breath, not sure, I found a book in my mailbox: Mothers Who Can't Love: A Healing Guide for Daughters , by Susan Forward, PhD . I tossed it into the Get To This One Day pile. Found it yesterday, buzzed right through. Thank you Harper Collins. I'm talking to FD about someone we both know, and he asks, "Why is he this way." I suggest a particular parent-child dynamic, only confuse him more. "How do you know this?" "Because this is what we do in my profession, look backward to parents, how they treated now grown/adult children as children. We look for clues. In your profession history helps, but the lab results and the vitals tell more. For us, history is everything. It didn't hurt, I confessed, that the subject of scrutiny, at someone else's visitation, talked about his father. From this it isn't hard to extrapolate, suggest broad strokes about personality and beha...