Why We Have Sex
We're always saying it around here, sex is marital glue. But it isn't always. New study, University of Toronto, published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, summed up in last week's WSJ . Worth a look. What you learn: We have two ways of dealing with this particular bodily function, sex. We participate because either: (1) we want to feel good, make our partner feel good, or (2) we want to avoid a bad feeling about ourselves or about our partner or relationship-- the negative consequences of not participating. Whereas it might seem that our motivations to approach or avoid are relatively circumscribed and few, a previous study at the University of Texas (2007) found 237!!! motives to have sex, everything from spiritual closeness to the Old Mighty to retaliation for a partner's affair. That retaliation could be sex with the partner, or with someone else. These are mind-boggling motives no matter how they shake out, and great fodder in t...