Retire from blogging?

Blogher , via Neil Kramer, aka Citizen of the Month , either launched or is about to launch a discussion of the end of an era, something on the order of this: Has blogging gone the wayside? Did blogging die because FaceBook, YouTube, and other stimulating, current media, are far more exciting than reading the soap-boxes of deep thoughts we bloggers can't help but share with THE WHOLE WORLD. Ray William Johnson of Equals Three I don't know if it is true, if blogging is dead or not, but Ray William Johnson , of Equals Three , a YouTube enterprise, is retiring as the host of his experiment with YouTube social media. People do move on, try new things. It can get old, anything, day after day. We'll get to Ray in a minute. Microsoft, you might have heard, is generously offering rebates of $100 to those who still have Windows XP on their computers (an enticement to upgrade, just spend $699 to be eligible). Bring in the old machine and swap it for a high-powered new one, guara...