Snapshots: Viagra, Melanoma, and those Pre-Passover Blues

No, the two have nothing to do with one another. Or they could, I suppose, if anyone thought Passover a sexy holiday, which would make for an interesting discussion that we will never have. Let's start with this. (1) "Harmless" erectile dysfunction treatment associated with melanoma No more Viagra for you son. And Laura Berman , a famous sex therapist who has at least one clinic to treat women with sexual intimacy problems, will have to put her prescriptions on hold, rewrite one of her books, too. The results of a new study indicate that penile enhancement medication, also used for female sexual arousal, is linked to one of our worst cancers ever, melanoma. When I was young there was a song, Nature's Way . Spirit, sings the soulful, ominous warning. It's nature's way of telling you dying trees, It's nature's way of telling you soon we'll freeze. We froze east of the Mason-Dixon line, and to the west, too, last winter. Or shvitzed . Hearing the as...