The Year of Mourning

We've talked about it before, ritualized grief. It is healing, if executed well. And at the end of an official year (especially if you do it the Jewish way) one feels different, as if a millennium has passed. We're returning from Ruby Falls, a tourist trap in Tennessee. I had the front seat of the van on the way out, but am in the back now, hosting three very little, dirty and exhausted children. They are engrossed in movies. I can stretch out my legs. Not a bad way to travel. Gazing out the window, road trip lyrics come to mind: Let us be lovers, We'll marry our fortunes together. I've got some real estate here in my bag. So we bought a pack of cigarets. And Mrs. Wagner pies, And we walked off to look for America . America, the Bookends Album Hard to get the Bookends song out of my head. Now you've got it. That's what we do in my family, pass off songs. My son asked if we could take a short vacation, come for a visit this summer. So just before the year of mou...