Glimpsing Heaven
If I searched statistics to find which of the hundreds of essays on this blog has been read the most, strangely enough, it wouldn't be the one about enmeshment. Before reading Glimpsing Heaven , Judy Bachrach 's new book about near death experiences, seeing ghosts , in this doc's professional world, had been associated with religious beliefs (cultural delusions) or mental illness. Now I'll have to rewrite the post. There exists a quiet, circumspect, yet substantial population reporting near death experiences (NDE's), according to IANDS , the International Association for Near-Death Studies . Approximately 200,000 Americans a year tell select friends or relatives that they experienced life after death. They speak of travel beyond the moon, past Mars, no spaceship necessary. Even Oprah has chimed in. She interviewed actress Sharon Stone , an experiencer . Ms. Bachrach, who is a journalist and rightfully suspicious of the whole business, set out to find the...