Snapshots: Cooperative Decision-Making and More
A post on Top Five disappeared last week. You'll understand why in awhile. It got embarrassing. Three snapshots, all related to the movie in one way or another: (1) catastrophic expectations , (2) cooperative couple decision-making , and (3) two movies we probably don't have to let our kids see. Take it away. 1. The Catastrophic Expectation After publishing about the new Chris Rock movie, a crazy thing happened. A catastrophic expectation came true, related to my fear that the blog would be pirated and spammed with objectionable photos. It happened on Facebook last year. We opened the ap to find new pics, except we hadn't posted any. Thousands, mortified. Facebook rectified the situation immediately. But if this happens to me, what do I do? Delete years of psycho-education? I pushed "publish" for the Top Five review, but probably because of the word (in bold yet) that starts with a "p", ends with an "n" and has an "or" in the midd...