How to Save a Life (Part Three): Arguing with Suicide Intent

It is summer, and you wouldn't think people are too down, but maybe it hasn't been the best summer for everyone. Hopelessness doesn't always flip with the seasons. A patient described panic symptoms, not knowing that she had suffered a panic attack. "But I told myself," she went on, "that everything will be all right. And it was!" multiple meanings of spiraling BALANCE Therapists, friends-- we all say it with confidence: Everything will be all right . The reply, "How, exactly, do you know?" is the tricky part. How do we know? Emotions are temporary states, for one. We cannot stay in the same exact emotional headspace forever, wired as we are with homeostatic neurological and hormonal systems. Without therapy, we are changing all the time. And therapy has improved exponentially in recent years. Interventions are tested and have proven empirically effective. Change is so likely that when hopelessness spirals out of control and patients talk ...