Pre-Thanksgiving Snapshots

(1) LOSING PETS, BEING LIKE PETS Once in a while you'll see a sign on a tree, Have you seen Fluffy ? Somebody in my neighborhood keeps losing his iguana and posts pictures in the summer. I always wonder, if I found him, what would I do? But this isn't about that. Therapists hear many pet stories. People are crazy about their animals, marvel at their better qualities, worry when they are ill, and grieve their loss. When a favorite pet moves onto the next world, it is as if a person in the family has died. Because pets are family. They live with us, we feed them; they reciprocate with unconditional love. It is a fair deal. My brother and I have the same memory. You tell me how this happens. He tells the story exactly the same way: One chilly autumn morning, the dog scratched at the back door to go out to the yard. About to leave for school, I saw an accident on the kitchen floor, wiped it up quickly, then let him out. He'd been sick for months, but he was a very old dog. ...