Nittel Nacht

Translate that, Nittel Nacht, it would be . . . well, I don't know. I know that Kristallnacht is the night that the Nazi's broke every Jewish storefront in Germany. But on Nittelnacht Jews play cards and watch Elf . Or maybe Titanic . Or Meet Me in St.Louis . The rabbis forbid learning Torah on Christmas Eve. Except to learn about why it is forbidden to learn Torah on Christmas Eve. Learning is what observant Jews do, or wish they did, most nights, most days, in their discretionary time. It is one of those pastimes that keeps on giving. So you would think that learning is definitely something Jews should do on Xmas eve. But no. We'll get to the reasons. Last night FD finishes the last slice of pizza, 47th Street (New York) pizza , but made in Iowa, sold in Chicago. He asks me if I want to join him, walk over to the synagogue to hear a shiur ( she-your , Hebrew for class ) about the origins of nittel nacht . Nittel Nacht 47th St P...