Interventions: The Screenshot

Before intervention became a household word, disseminated via television as a strategy to sober people up, therapists used it universally as any strategy designed for change. An intervention is something a therapist uses to change behavior that doesn't work for the client. Or it might add a behavior that works much better. Much of therapy is about finding ways to stop something or to start something. Here's an example, an intervention I thought up working with a client who wanted to lose weight. But the intervention can be altered to fit any behavioral or emotional issue, too. Anything that needs reinforcement, reminders. A pretty big set. Just a reminder that the example below is fictitious, a variant of what really happened. We're bemoaning the fact that at a hundred pounds overweight, the patient needs to use multiple behavioral strategies to cut down her calories, and she needs to walk every day. She does nothing but eat and sleep. The emotional reasons, the psych...