
Showing posts from August, 2016

Expletives, Suicidal Thoughts, and the F-That Video

Note: The following comments have nothing to do with any particular religious code or belief system, are not officially endorsed by a minister, priest, shaman, rabbi, witch, or any other clergy person (so far as the author is aware) . On occasion, a therapist will let an expletive slip, immediately regretting it. After hearing her apology, the patient will say, No problem, don't be silly.  The therapist might ask, What would be a better word? There's always a laugh and a consensus: There is no better word. We're taught that the emotion should come from the patient, although people like to see signs of life from their therapist. It feels intuitively correct, this protocol, that if anyone should emote strongly, abandon control over words, it should be the patient. The therapist should control it; it is not his therapy. Therapy is an empathetic process, however, and in that process of validating the patient's right to strong feeling and expressing it, a therapist might fal