Boy, You've Got to Carry that Weight
It isn’t easy navigating healthcare today, finding the providers you know and love in a new network. You want to continue with your therapist, but when you thumb through the lists of mental health providers, no surprise, she's not there. It hasn't been easy for those of us on the provider side, either. When the Affordable Care Act passed, we knew that we would be denied claims from these seemingly wonderful, spanking new, mega-cheap health care plans, especially the ones offered by the big companies-- United Health Care, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Humana. Some of us didn't want any part them. We told our patients: Before you sign up, do some research . . if you want to keep this thing we have, going. We had no idea (still don't) whether or not insurance would pay us for services rendered. Then it began to happen with regularity, and it continues to this day. An established patient would give us a choice: Do you take this insurance? Or this one? Then she would exp...