One Snapshot, then other Bloggers
Here's the snap : Impatient with Patients: The What Else Is New It often happens that someone (in therapy) will say, "I’m doing great! So much better!" And in the very next breath it is: "Actually, then (this happened), and (that happened). But still. . . I handled it so well. . ." And you are waiting. There is a pause. Maybe even a short one, the response could even be sans pause and pow! The patient looks right at you, the mood has changed, the patient narrows his eyes, might even scowl, becomes a different person, his old self, for he remembers. "I’m just really, really angry at . . ." and another story tumbles out, same story, same offender, or some other offender, on a good day there may be multiple offenders, persons who share the responsibility, the blame for the change in mood. Even if the patient attributes a good reason, an empathetic reason for offender behavior, the narcissistic injury stings. A narcissistic injury, just to digress...