
Did I spell it right? Should it be Hanukah? Or Chanucha? Hannukkah? You can't win when you transliterate. Western Wall Chanukiah (menorah) Tonight is the first night of Chanukah, an 8-day Jewish holiday that celebrates a miracle. Oh! It's Xmas Eve, too. But you know that story, and honestly, I don't, so let's stick with our strong suits and talk a bit about Chanukah, because it is an underdog beats tyrant-who-isn't-religiously-tolerant victory story, and nothing makes us feel better than an underdog walking off with the trophy. In a nutshell (we've been cracking them all day long): The Greeks ransacked The Temple in Jerusalem and did not allow the Jews to practice their religion anymore. (No Sabbath, no Torah, no tradition). We got the Temple back, big fight, and wanted to re-light the menorah , the n er tamid , a lamp that is never supposed to go out, never did when the Jews were in charge. But they were booted for awhile, and it did go out. But afte...