Snapshots: Book It

I didn't really have to go to school all those years, we're finding. So much self-help out there, catchy titles and awesome covers to grab our attention, and much of it is surprisingly, helpful. If only to talk about it, half the time. Still, there's a lot of wisdom to be found at $15.99. In graduate school in the previous century, academia beat us over the head with the notion that what we heard on the radio, watched on television, read about in magazines, newspapers, and self-help books, journalism , is not science, isn't even social science. But that's not the way it is today. Research-based academic journals, think Science , Cell , Lancet , Nature , Nature Genetics , Human Relations , Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, Family Process , American Behavioral Scientist , Qualitative Research , and dozens more, are invested in public relations, shoot out press releases to the AP to herald new scientific discoveries, the ones abou...