Snapshots: My Glory Was I Had Such Friends and Blue Whale

New from Harper-Collins (1) My Glory Was I Had Such Friends is a memoir, the story of a lawyer who needs a heart transplant at the tender, life-affirming age of 25. We tune in at 50 when she needs another. The first donor heart is failing quickly, symptoms painfully communicating that she is in trouble. Amy Silverstein's My Glory I Had Such Friends -- glorious The disease turns unbearable, and she has endured a great deal. This is an emotionally strong woman, but we all have our limits. Pain medication can kill her, slow her heart to a stop. She is going it alone, white knuckling pain. Not easy reading. But it is chick lit, and we love any book with the word "friends" in the title. And Amy has friends, many of them, amazing women who will leave their daily lives to travel across the country, tend to her when she needs them the most. How in the world does this happen? How are some people so blessed, or so lucky? Once I asked a man why he married his wife. He told me tha...