
Showing posts from September, 2017

Dryland: One Woman's Swim to Sobriety

Housekeeping: A quick update on email subscriptions: New subscribers should write to me and I'll add you to the list. Contact me at lorenlivner at gmail dot com. No, that isn't my real name. Dryland, by Nancy Bercaw Now on to one of my favorite subjects, alcohol . We're very cheap drunks in my family, and if a person has more than one beer or one glass of wine, or more than one shot of whiskey,  it's a bad sign, a running away from it all , sign. This very light drinking isn't unusual for my culture. The reasons are as old as time: (a) over-indulging makes it hard to get ahead in an already difficult society, and (b) being high, the state of inebriation, impairs one's ability to learn. And we like to learn. That said, the assumption that Jews never let go, or that we're all teetotalers, is wishful thinking. Ours is far from a sober tribe, certainly at this point in time. At any party there are groups within the group working hard to let alcohol take them awa