
Showing posts from October, 2017

Me, too

It isn't a new story, not to me. Not a new thing, sexual assault, rape, harassment, but having listened to dozens of victims (fine, survivors) tell their stories over dozens of years, surprisingly it never gets boring. A man in his thirties talks about his experience as a young boy, age six, and a rabbi (rabbi!) who took his youth. You see, it is not only the priests, this is cross-cultural. Or a woman in her twenties. She writes the details in long-hand, cannot talk about what happened to her. She is married now, hates sex. Another man is introduced to porn and sex as a schoolboy, an older cousin. My patient cannot maintain a relationship, cannot finish what he starts, hardly ever initiates. He is addicted to online porn. A prostitute tells me that she's had sex with hundreds of men, was told that it was all she was good for. She believed it for the longest time. A mother brings in her daughter, says that incest is in the family and she fears that her daughter has been moleste

Steven Paddock's Mental Illness

Stephen Paddock talks about is happy-go-lucky self Unusual, isn't it, that mental health professionals aren't chiming in with a diagnosis for Stephen Paddock? We usually do. I usually do.  No small crime, massacring 58 innocent people, injuring hundreds more.  People died for doing nothing more American than listening to country music.  Yesterday's New York Times The Las Vegas police believe Mr. Paddock may have had a secret life.   More accurately, he didn't advertise his intentions. We all have secret lives, and he was particularly private. But he could be friendly. He went on a gun shopping spree in October, 2016, and the salespeople found him pleasant enough. Reports from his brother Eric Paddock: From an early age, he focused on gaining complete control over his life and not having to rely on anyone. He cycled through a series of jobs he thought would make him rich “He went to work for the I.R.S. because he thought that’s where the money was, but it turned out t