
Showing posts from February, 2018

General Welsh and Why Men in the Military Rape

Oh, I would have loved to write this one, but here it is, somewhere else. I feel this is worth the read, am pretty sure we've talked about rape myths here on this blog, but maybe not. This author, a friend of mine, mentions 15 of them! Fifteen, and she says there are more. There are, you should know, also myths that men believe that justify their sexual harassment of women in the workplace. But let's start with rape. It isn't going away. Here's the link. The General And Rape Myths. Hope all's well! Drive safe if you're in Chicago. It's a blizzard out there. therapydoc


Would you believe it? A shoe store capitalizing on the false nuclear alarm in Hawaii. Sorry, Famous. Bad taste. You   may know that I have a little annihilation anxiety, most of us do. But I’m still conscious of it, having had it most of my life. For years, as a little kid, then well into my adulthood, I had a recurring dream about home invaders, two big men climbing through my bedroom window or banging down the front door of our home. I could see them through the little triangular windows of the front door, used all my might to keep them from getting in. I'd wake up in a sweat.  The dreams persisted once every month or so, until, as a middle-aged woman, as a responsible mother, they just faded away. There were too many other things to worry about, like the safety of the family, my children. That, or the dreams stopped with the empowerment of Master Han, a Tai Quan Do instructor. I was too uncoordinated to do Tai Quan Do so he just gave me a couple of private lessons. Master Han t