
Showing posts from August, 2018


Well, I liked putting out that post on breathing. It felt good to write to educate people again. But then I forgot to send links to it to new people who subscribed by sending me their email addresses, rather than rely upon the feed-- as recommended :). And I felt guilty about that, naturally, and I thought, do I write about that guilt? Maybe.  But not now. Not blogging regularly hadn't been intentional, rather there was too much else to do. And now, with a research project in full swing, there's even less of that. But for some goofy reason here we are, me talking to you again, you reading along. You have no idea how nice that is for me.  But maybe you do! Because at some point, who does the therapist talk to? We've discussed this before, consulting, even socializing with other therapists. But at 5 a.m.  Who then?  It's good to vent, no? Just write things down, whether anyone is listening or not. It's called bibliotherapy. Talking when you know someone is listening i...


Well, itā€™s been awhile. Hope everyoneā€™s doing well.  You need to know (if youā€™re wondering why thereā€™s nothing so little new content here)  that I subscribed to the volunteered slavery of research. I'm loving it, but it is super   time-consuming. One day I'll publish something helpful to society, you never know,  something like  this little piece from my friend .  But more about me. Iā€™m still in practice, and being fairly certain that the State of Illinois   still demands continuing education to stay licensed, I took another course on  Mindfulness.  Naturally that led to a hack, a quick and easy way to get people to do it.  Then, in the process of recommending  that  to people, I realized that my hack was  working as well as anything that I had learned in the class. So when that happens,  as it probably does with many of us, for sure with me, you know, I started telling  everyone. Everyone. (It has to be bor...