Blogging (Writing) and Reading, Even When You are Grieving

First, I apologize for blogging so rarely the past six months. We say that writing can be therapeutic, but you do need a certain amount of neuro-transmitters, endorphins, serotonin, zipping around upstairs to put out. 

But that's going to change. After all, I've studied the new DSM 5
and there's much to say about diagnosis.

 Yeah, it was expensive.

But mainly because time heals.  I'm beginning to notice things again, like in the old days, when something, any random thing, would happen and I would tell FD: I must blog about this. That's happening again.

The job, when a parent passes away, as any therapist will tell you, is to grieve, but also, to get out there, be in the world .When you're running on empty, that can be hard. So for some of us the best therapy is to sit around and read, preferably in some yoga posture, learn new things. Or listen to the radio, watch TV.

Listening to NPR last week I heard two journalists talking about books that might make nice holiday gifts. Below are a few of my own suggestions. If any of you have others, chime in. They don't have to be all that educational. Nothing too violent, and really, no gratuitous sex. Emphasis on gratuitous.

My thinking, read to yourself or maybe even better, to someone else. A personal favorite, The Ugly Duckling.

If alone, and you're choosing from the the National Public Radio lists, be careful about the late night thrillers.
Where'd You Go, Bernadette?
The books below won't keep you up, guarantee, with the exception perhaps of  
Where'd You Go, Bernadette: A Novel Maria Semple's novel is wonderful, you'll read it in one sitting.

Blind Spot and the Harvard Racism Test
Just in case you don't think you're a racist, think again. This book not only teaches you everything you need to know about improv, but about our unconscious biases. Blind Spot

We've talked about John Elder Robison's book, but if you're new here, check it out. A man realizes he has Asperger's Syndrome and rises to success in spite of it. Asperger's is now officially on the autism spectrum, no longer a disorder unto itself.
Look Me in the Eye

Look me in the eye 

 Mr. Robison's brother, Augusten Burroughs writes about everyone's favorite drug, alcohol in DRY.

 Product Details

And because you can never read enough about BPD . . .

Borderline Personality Disorder in Adolescents

A patient just the other day asked me, literally, "Is happiness just a myth?"  I had to flash the book at him and say, "Unfortunately, yes. But it is a nice myth."
 The Myths of Happiness

The Myths of Happiness

Men on Rape 
What you'll find fascinating about this book, and you may only get it used, is the treatment of language, how men talk about women, how they talk to women. Talking tends to be something we don't think about nearly enough.Timothy Beneke's book has been on my shelf for years. I won't lend it out.

Monkey Mind
Daniel Smith's (300.02 DSM-5) struggle with a different disorder, what some of us call screaming anxiety.
Product Details
That's what it is like to have a Monkey Mind. Not fun.

Language of flowers

 There are so many languages, but until this book, who knew that sending yellow roses means something entirely different than sending red or white roses. This book is worth buying for the glossary alone. It is an amazing story about foster care. As you might suspect, being punted around as a child from one home to another isn't always the best thing for a person. But some survive, and thankfully, they know how to either tell their story, or write about it themselves.
The Language of Flowers



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